Brainstorming Session on Draft Regulations with BPOM

Published on 10 February 2021

On 27 January 2021, the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) invited EuroCham and the local associations of the Traditional Medicines, Health Supplement, and Cosmetics industries. The purpose was to jointly assess draft regulations currently being prepared by the Deputy II of BPOM who is responsible for supervising the said products. The hybrid meeting was opened with an opening speech by Reri Indriani (Deputy for Supervision of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplement, and Cosmetics) and Drs. Tepy Usia, Apt, M.Phil, Ph.D (Director of Standardization of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplement, and Cosmetics) as a speaker. Some inputs and recommendations were given by participating associations in the meeting to enrich the drafting process.


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