Eurocham Indonesia - INTA Indonesia Dialogue: Enforcing IP rights online in a changing world

Published on 3 August 2021

On 29 July 2021, EuroCham Indonesia and the International Trademark Association (INTA) Indonesia hosted a virtual focus discussion on “Enforcing IP rights online in a changing world.” This anticounterfeiting initiative gathered stakeholders’ collaboration with South-East Asian E-Commerce Platforms, with a focus on Indonesia’s regulatory framework. This discussion hosted different stakeholders, including consultancy agencies, companies from different industries, companies working specifically on intellectual property, e-commerce platforms and associations, and also the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL), ASEAN Network of IPR Enforcement Experts (ANIEE), Indonesia’s Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP), Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information (KOMINFO), and the EU-ASEAN Business Council.

The first part of the discussion focused on the actual situation of counterfeiting and what measures were put in place in order to face this growing and accelerating problem. As e-commerce is being more and more common, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, counterfeits and violations of intellectual property rights have forced every stakeholder to develop their possibilities of action to face these threats. Meanwhile, the second part focused on the action that can be implemented in future and the necessary cooperation between the various actors.


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