Intellectual Property Policy Meeting on Enhancing the Effectiveness of Counterfeit Goods Enforcement

Published on 14 July 2023

EuroCham Indonesia's Intellectual Property Working Group (IP WG) held a policy meeting titled: "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Counterfeit Goods Enforcement" on 15 June.

The IP WG had the honor to have Seta Jaladriyanta (Police Commissioner at Ditreskrimsus, Greater Jakarta Metropolitan Regional Police) and Ronald Aria Schwarze (Director at Berlian Delta Plansearch) as the speakers to discuss trends of counterfeit goods in Indonesia, as well as law enforcement's efforts to increase the effectiveness of prosecution and enforcement of counterfeit goods cases.

The policy meeting commenced with opening remarks from Kin-Wah Chow (Head of Intellectual Property Working Group and Principal at Rouse) and was moderated by Lukman Hakim (Senior Associate at Rouse).

We would like to thank everyone who attended the policy meeting and actively engaged in the discussion.


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