Socialization of BPOM Regulation No. 22 of 2022 on Application of 2D Barcodes in Drug and Food Control

Published on 12 June 2023

On May 5, BPOM organized an outreach event on BPOM Regulation No. 22 of 2022 on the Application of 2D Barcodes in Drugs and Foods Control wherein EuroCham had the opportunity to attend the event virtually. Reri Indriani, the Deputy for Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements, and Cosmetics (Deputy II), presided over the opening of the outreach by emphasizing the significance of implementing 2D Barcodes to support supervision as it integrates the information already present in the pre-market with the post-market, allowing for information to be used for supervision from other parties such as the community or other related agencies.

Following the activity, the Acting Director of Standardization on Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements, and Cosmetics, Ria Christine Siagian, gave a presentation of the material wherein she discussed changes and new arrangements, including the addition of quasi-drug commodities, the removal of the validity period of distribution permits in 2D barcode data, and stickerized printing of 2D barcodes.

Through this activity, it is hoped that traditional medicines, quasi-drugs, health supplements, and cosmetics will be better supervised digitally. This will safeguard the public from products that do not adhere to standards and ensure that traditional medicines, quasi-drugs, health supplements, and cosmetics are distributed safely in Indonesia.


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