Socialization on the Implementation of the Commodity Balance 2023

Published on 13 February 2023

EuroCham is one of the foreign chambers of commerce that have attended the socialization session on trade licensing issues through the National Commodity Balance System (SNANK) on 11 January 2023. During the socialization, there were concerns from the private sector, including our company members, regarding delays in the implementation of 19 commodity groups included in the Commodity Balance (NK) 2023. This has caused major obstacles in obtaining Export Approvals (PE) and Import Approvals (PI). In response, the Government, hosted by the Deputy of Industrial Development, Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs, Mr. Atong Soekirman, has stated that he would accommodate input from all business actors and make this issue a priority to be resolved immediately. Please be assured, EuroCham continues to follow up on the concerns of members with the government regarding this matter.


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