Technology WG Meeting with NOKIA

Published on 17 October 2022

Great to meet and engage members directly in EuroCham! On 29 September, Guillaume Mascot, Head of Government Relations Asia Pacific of NOKIA visited EuroCham’s office to meet with the Board Patron of the EuroCham Technology Working Group, Wichard von Harrach, along with members of EuroCham’s advocacy team represented by M. Firman Eko Putra and Daniel Rene Kandou. The meeting was the first in-person meeting conducted between both parties since the pandemic began two years ago.

We had a very insightful discussion, specifically pertaining to NOKIA solutions implementation of 5G technology, practical application of Industrial Digitalization, as well as Cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructure. Moreover, both sides also exchanged ideas on potential collaboration in the future. Thank you Guillaume and Nokia, a member of EuroCham, for the visit and for engaging us in a productive discussion.


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