Frisian Flag Indonesia Provides 4,566 Milk Boxes at Healthy Breakfast Campaign

Published on 15 November 2022

PT Frisian Flag Indonesia (FFI) carried out the program to bring nutritious food again. This time collaborating with Foodbank of Indonesia (FOI) to create the 1000 Mothers Action program “The Mobile Breakfast Movement”. The aim of the action is to fight hunger in children and encourage children to eat a balanced, nutritious breakfast. The action coincided with the World Food Day with a target of more than 1,500 PAUD students in Jakarta, Depok and Tangerang.

The collaboration program was held after looking at the Total Diet Survey (SDT) data from the Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia in 2020 that as many as 66.8% of children had breakfast with low nutritional quality or their nutritional needs had not been met, especially vitamin and mineral intake. It is hoped that the campaign will enable Indonesian families to adopt a healthy lifestyle by having a regular breakfast complete with milk in the morning as part of a balanced nutritional pattern.

Andrew F Saputro, Corporate Affairs Director of Frisian Flag Indonesia, said that Frisian Flag Indonesia is always committed to providing benefits for the community through improving nutrition and creating a healthy lifestyle, one of which is by providing dairy products in the children's breakfast menu. “The collaboration between FFI and FOI Connection is to strengthen the commitment to provide better nutrition, especially for children's breakfast,” he said in a statement.

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