Signify launch Green Switch Initiative

Published on 14 July 2023

Signify, a global leader in lighting, has launched the Green Switch Initiative in Jakarta, Indonesia. This initiative aims to support national efforts to achieve sustainable development goals and carbon neutrality by 2060. Signify collaborates with the government and stakeholders to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning from conventional lighting to energy-efficient LED and connected lighting. The Green Switch Initiative focuses on replacing conventional lighting. The Green Switch initiative focuses on replacing conventional lamps with LED technology to achieve carbon neutrality quickly and easily. It consists of six main pillars, including the promotion of LED lamps, circular economy practices, clean energy and mobility, biodiversity conservation, and digitalization. The launch event was attended by government officials who expressed their support for the initiative. Signify also organized a panel discussion involving experts in sustainability to exchange ideas. The initiative aims to bridge Signifies support for the government and the private sector in developing sustainable cities and promoting environmentally friendly lighting solutions.


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