USTR’s 2023 Assessment on Intellectual Property Rights

Published on 14 July 2023

Photo by Vladislav Klapin on Unsplash

The Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) has recently released its 2023 Special 301 Report, focusing on evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual property protection measures and enforcement practices employed by trade partners. This annual report serves as a comprehensive assessment of intellectual property rights protection and market access practices in foreign countries, as mandated by U.S. trade laws

This report highlights some of the key elements related to intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and fair trade practices. This element includes the identification of countries that are considered not serious enough to adequately protect IPR, countries on the ‘Priority Watch List’, encouragement to improve IPR regimes, and efforts to engage the United States government with countries to address IPR issues.

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