EuroCham and Tokopedia Joint Webinar

Published on 4 May 2020

On 29 April 2020, EuroCham and Tokopedia successfully organized a Webinar with a general theme of "The 'New' Normal for Businesses in Time of COVID-19". Moderated by Dendy A. Borman (Deputy Head for Beverages of EuroCham Agriculture, Food and Beverages Working Group), and presented Alban Sciascia (Director of Semar Sentinel) and Jessica Stephanie Jap (AVP of Business, Tokopedia) as speakers.

Alban explained the importance of setting up a road map by strategically thinking in terms of short-term mitigation and long-term growth so that business can survive in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. He also suggested companies to review contingency plans to adapt the situation. Meanwhile, Jessica said the current crisis has helped accelerate the rise of creativity and agility to face the immediate challenge of defeating the negative impact of the pandemic. Many businesses are forced to very much an agile move in order to sustain their business. There are many companies that previously really relied on business in the conventional way, quickly turning to digital platforms.


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