EuroCham-HSBC Market Update Event

Published on 9 January 2023

On November 23, EuroCham Indonesia is honored to be collaborating with HSBC Indonesia for a market update event that touched upon the importance of digitalization to enhance Indonesia’s economic growth. The event commenced with opening remarks delivered by EuroCham’s Executive Board members, Francois de Maricourt (President Director of HSBC Indonesia) and David Nolan (President Director of Allianz Indonesia). Followed with a market outlook by Ali Setiawan from HSBC and a keynote speech by Jerry Sambuaga, the Vice Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia, about Indonesia’s surplus in the trade balance and potential sectors to be the key contributor to Indonesia’s economy. All the participants are given a chance to have a Q&A session in a panel discussion session with Jerry Sambuaga, David Tanudisastro and Nuraini Lubis on trade challenges and opportunities in 2023. The event was wrapped up with closing remarks from Riko Tasmaya (Managing Director and Head of Global Banking at HSBC Indonesia).


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