Danone and Lamongan Government Inagurated Biggest Integrated Waste Processing Site in East Java

Published on 15 December 2020

In support of the Government’s commitment to reduce plastic waste in the oceans by 70% by 2025, Danone strengthens the commitment of the #BijakBerplastik movement or wisely use plastics through the collection pillars to build an Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST) in Lamongan Regency. This TPST is the largest in East Java and was inaugurated in collaboration with the Government of the Lamongan Regency, Dompet Dhuafa, along with PT Reciki Solusi Indonesia on 24 November 2020. The TPST Samtaku (SAmpahku TAnggung jawabKU) or “my waste, my responsibility” movement, is intended as a vehicle for education that aims to share knowledge about the source of waste, its impact, and how to manage the waste.

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