Event Reports
Transport and Logistics Working Group Meeting
The Transport and Logistics Working Group held its bimonthly meeting on 15 November 2017. The meeting discussed ongoing efforts to simplify import-export licenses and formalities. The meeting also shared updates on advocacy on Taxation in Logistics Sector and other policy updates including new regulation on Inter-Island Trade, and new draft regulation on Import-Duty for E-Commerce Goods. This meeting also serves as a preparation to the Breakout Session on Customs and Trade Facilitation at the EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue which was held on 28 November 2017.
Intellectual Property Working Group Meeting
To keep the members updated about the most recent issues related to intellectual property, EuroCham Intellectual Property Working Group conducted a meeting at EuroCham office on Tuesday, 15 November 2017. The Working Group invited Mrs. Debbie Manurung from Association of Intellectual Property Rights Consultant in Indonesia (AKHKI) as a speaker, sharing the currently developed document regarding the National Intellectual Property Strategies