Event Reports

Human Resources Member Forum Meeting

Published on 25 January 2018

The Human Resources Member Forum conducted its first meeting for this year on 25 January at EuroCham Office. The meeting started with brief introduction on the Member Forum activities for new participants which delivered by the Head of Member Forum. Afterwards, the meeting continued with discussion on follow up actions for EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue 2017.

The follow-up is a continuation of EIBD 2017, which discussed the Movement of Natural Persons, specifically on short term foreign worker requirements. Hence, the Member Forum decided what actions will be taken in order to follow up the discussion in this session.

The meeting continued with presentation on regulation updates in HR sector by EuroCham Secretariat. The presentation followed by open discussion where members shared their experiences on the issues and gave inputs in regards to how the members forum will advocate the issue. Last agenda on the meeting was discussion on Member Forum activities for this year. It was decided that member forum aims to conduct regular meeting once every two months with topics that have been planned.

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Cosmetics Working Group: New Head of Working Group Elected

Published on 24 January 2018

On 24 January 2018 EuroCham Cosmetics Working Group held its first working group meeting. The agenda was the election of head and deputy head of the working group. Participants agreed to elect Ms. Uti Daniawati Mahanani (Unilever Indonesia) as the new Head of Working Group and Ms. Riva Dwitya Akhmad (L’Oreal Indonesia) as the Deputy Head. 

Aside than the election of head and deputy head of the working group, the working group also discussed on the working group’s activities for 2018 starting from the amount of regular working group meeting up to numbers of possible courtesy meeting that the working group could conduct.

The meeting ended with several regulatory updates related with the Cosmetics industry which mostly are regulations from BPOM. The meeting was followed by the discussion on some possible concerns might arise from the new regulation and follow up advocacy that can be done by the working group.

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