Event Reports

Energy Working Group: Discussion with Indonesian Senator

Published on 6 September 2017

EuroCham Energy Working Group conducted discussion about Renewable Energy on Wednesday, 6 September 2017. The meeting presented external speakers from legislation and private consultant, led by the Mr. Thomas Wagner (Head of Energy Working Group).

The Working Group invited Senator Parlindungan Purba, Head of Committee II DPD RI (Regional Representative Council). DPD is a legislative body, consisting of senators from all provinces, while Committee II in DPD is responsible for economic and environmental affairs. DPD is currently planning to propose a law on renewable energy for this year, and they are welcome for any inputs acknowledging the importance of business perspectives in the formulation of the regulations.

The second speaker was Ms. Annisa Natalegawa, Director of Asia Group Advisors. She elaborated Indonesia's complex regulatory environment in renewable energy sector, a multi-pronged approached is required; targeted the current administration, higher level stakeholder engagement, activating third party, and collaborate partnership with stakeholders who shared common interest.

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Finance & Tax Working Group: Managing Tax Risk for Multinational Companies

Published on 5 September 2017

EuroCham Finance & Tax Working Group recently organized an event titled “Managing Tax Risk for Multinational Companies”, discussing various issues in regards to taxation matters experienced by EuroCham members and other multinational companies.

Held on 5 September 2017, the event started with presentation by Mr. Sourav Seksaria (Head of Finance & Tax Working Group) regarding prior survey, which brought out, that there were significant higher tax audits in Indonesia in the last two years, and many companies were facing shortage in resources and competency to manage this higher scrutiny.

The Working Group also invited Mr. John Hutagaol (Director of International Taxation, Ministry of Finance), who gave presentation in regards to transfer pricing policy in Indonesia. In addition, Mr. Rofyanto Kurniawan from the Fiscal Policy Agency, also gave presentation on the overview fiscal and taxation policy in Indonesia.

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