Event Reports

CSR and Sustainable Development Member Forum: Sharing Session

Published on 22 August 2017

On Tuesday, 22 August 2017 the CSR and Sustainable Development Member Forum met at Financial Club Jakarta. The meeting led by Mr. Baudouin Coomans, Deputy Head of CSR and Sustainable Development Member Forum and invited representative from Edelman to share the PR perspective on CSR. To prepare the meeting, EuroCham conducted short survey on CSR Implementation questionnaire. The survey result was presented during the meeting which consists of some key information such as who implement the CSR activities in the companies and the companies constrains when implementing their CSR program.

The meeting was attended by EuroCham members and also few non-members participants who were both actively engaged in the discussion and shared their perspective on best practice for CSR. The Member Forum meeting decided on ideas for the next meeting and also to explore the possibility to make call for actions.

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EuroCham Policy Advocacy Updates and Upcoming Activities

Published on 14 August 2017

EuroCham Board, Head and Deputy of Working Group and Member Forum met on 14 August 2017. The meeting provides updates of EuroCham activities and policy advocacy actions, as follows:

  • The secretariat is currently finalizing the EuroCham Position Paper for CEPA and will be submitted to the European Union by the end of this month. The CEPA paper is a living document; this nature allows members to continuously provide inputs based on the recent development of regulatory and policy framework in country.
  • EuroCham collaborates with KADIN and APINDO to formulate Joint Recommendation for CEPA. This paper will be submitted to both governments.
  • The EU-Indonesia Business Dialogue 2017 will echo the CEPA theme and the event title will be “EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Partnership: Maximizing Trade and Investment Opportunities”. The EIBD will be conducted in November 2017.
  • EuroCham is currently drafting 2018 Annual Position Paper that will be launched in January 2018. The position paper development is formulated with each working group and all members are invited to share their inputs as a contribution from European business to the improvement of trade and investment climate in Indonesia.
  • Currently, EuroCham supported by INDEF, a research institute, is conducting a study to measure the EU-Indonesia economic relations. A survey will be distributed to EuroCham members to capture the magnitude of EU presence in country (size of investment, trade volume, technological transfer, labor absorption, as well as economic and social benefit).

The meeting further discussed EuroCham public policy and communication strategy, EU Funded Project ICI+, and other issues. The meeting agreed to strengthen the chamber’s policy advocacy actions. As a reference, EuroCham priority issues for 2017 are CEPA, Customs Reform, Halal, Import-Export, Local Content, Standard, and Water. Meanwhile, each working group / member forum is encouraged to continue their advocacy actions based on the sector’s priority.

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