Event Reports
Human Resources Working Group Meeting on Development of Manpower Cluster within Omnibus Draft Law
On 3 August 2020, the EuroCham Human Resources Working Group held an online sharing session to exchange views on the latest ongoing development related to the draft Omnibus Law, which is currently under discussion at the House of Representatives, with an emphasis on the Manpower Cluster. The meeting was moderated by Bambang Prihanto from South Pacific Viscose as the Deputy Head of EuroCham Human Resources Working Group. On this occasion, we were delighted to have three distinguished speakers: Stephen I. Warokka (Partner at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultant), Indrawan D. Yuriutomo (Associate at SSEK Indonesian Legal Consultant), and M. Nur Sholikin (Researcher from the Law and Policy Studies Centre (Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan) or “PSHK”) who exchanged observations and views related to the dynamics in the development of the draft law both within and outside the House of Representatives, possible changes in terms of employment rules if compared with current conditions, as well as discussed the possibilities of the promulgation of the draft law in the near future.
Pharmaceutical and Medical Technologgy Working Group Meeting
On 30 July, EuroCham Pharmaceutical and Medical Technology Working Group held a dialogue meeting with Sarjuni Adicahya (Head of Operations of Surveyor Indonesia), to share on Procedures for The Calculation of Local Content For Pharmaceutical Products, as regulated under the Minister of Industry Regulation No. 16 of 2020. This regulation highlights the role of an independent institution as a verification agency of the said local contant certificate. Based on this meeting, the local content certificate documents are a prerequisite for the pharmaceutical industry to take part in the e-catalog system. For this reason, it is expected that the pharmaceutical industry immediately undertake the local content certification process so as to be able to participate in the auction process in the e-catalog system. The overall discussion was moderated by Harimurti Listianto (Deputy Head of Pharmaceutical & Medical Technology Working Group).