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Mercedes-Benz Indonesia and Daimler Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Indonesia Provide Protection Masks to Medical Personnel at RSUD Cibinong Hospital

Published on 2 June 2020

Continuing their commitment to provide support to frontliners and the local community during these challenging times, PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia and PT Daimler Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Indonesia have jointly donated medical masks to RSUD Cibinong hospital. The donation was received by Dr. Wahyudi Eko Widiharso, General Director of RSUD Cibinong hospital.

"We want to express our gratitude to the continued efforts by medical workers who are at the forefront of this pandemic. It is definitely not an easy task during these challenging times. Therefore, we would like to do our part by donating masks to medical personnel who constantly need to be on standby during this pandemic," said Patrick Schwind, President Director, PT Mercedes-Benz Indonesia.

Committed to its social responsibility initiatives during these times, Mercedes-Benz has supported medical personnel and local communities in carrying out various activities. In April 2020, the provision of the Sprinter Van was donated to the Emergency Ambulance Service in Jakarta.

Recently, employees of Mercedes-Benz Indonesia have enthusiastically showed their support with a donation to local communities in Wanaherang, Bogor. The "Don't Give Up" initiative provided support in the form of daily necessities and health protection aids - such as washable masks - to communities around the Mercedes-Benz plant location.

"Around the globe Daimler companies have provided contributions to the ones in need. We hope that with these small gestures, Daimler Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Indonesia can support the frontliners, such as medical personnel who are dealing with the pandemic on a daily basis. We are grateful that the local RSUD Cibinong hospital is facilitating in handling Covid-19 cases. So. I would like to say: thank you for looking after the people who are affected," said Tim Grieger, President Director, Daimler Commercial Vehicles Manufacturing Indonesia.

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AstraZeneca Support to Fight COVID-19

Published on 2 June 2020

AstraZeneca Indonesia (AZI) has concluded the delivery of donation in supporting Indonesian healthcare, government and community in #FightAgainstCOVID-19. 40.000 mask donation was delivered through the government bodies and institutions.

Strengthening our long standing partnership with West Java government under the #HealthyLung umbrella programme, we kicked off the donation distribution by delivering the masks on April 29 to the frontline Health Care Professional of West Java. Handed over by AZI Director, Rizman Abudaeri, to the West Java Governor Bapak Ridwan Kamil.

The delivery of donation continued to the Ministry of Health on May 4th and the Indonesia National Agency for Disaster Countermeasure (BNPB) through the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM) on May 5th. AZ Indonesia was in collaboration with IPMG to donate delivering Disposable Coverall through BPOM which was received by May 8th.

Prior to this, AZI facilitated 2.300 Indonesia Healthcare Professional to a series of webcasts. Inviting global medical experts from China, Korea, Japan, Italy and Singapore to share clinical experience for the Health Care Professional across the globe. On top of it, AZI also facilitate a series of scientific educational webcasts by Prof. Dr. Laksono Trisnantoro, MSc., PhD. in collaboration with IPMG.

This effort was supported by Swedish Embassy and Business Sweden and being acknowledged by Swedish Ambassador, Marina Berg.

We are grateful with the collaboration and support we receive that has enable us take our part in supporting the healthcare community in #FightAgainstCOVID-19. #DotheRightThing

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