Event Reports
Dissemination of Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 21/14/PBI/2019 on Export Proceeds and Import Payments
In response to EuroCham's request for a dialogue with Bank Indonesia as part of the EuroCham Import-Export Procedures Working Group’s activities, on 10 September 2020, 90 representatives of EuroCham member companies participated at a dissemination of Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 21/14/PBI/2019 on Export Proceeds and Import Payments. In this activity, Bank Indonesia’s representatives shared that the Bank Indonesia Regulation has improved provisions governing Export Proceeds (DHE). The regulation was refined to improve the efficiency of the DHE reporting mechanism by exporters and banks. In addition to this, the new provision regulates the reporting of Import Payments (DPI) by importers and banks through a data and information management system that is efficient, integrated, accelerated, and based on common practice in international trade. In this occasion, Bank Indonesia focused on discussions related to the mechanism for delivering information and reports related to non-Natural Resources DHE receipts and DPI expenditures through the Real-time Integrated Foreign Exchange Monitoring Information System (SiMoDIS). Bank Indonesia expressed its interest to continue a similar dialogue with EuroCham in future.
Public Hearing on Draft Minister of Finance Regulation on Procedures for the Imposition of Import Duty Tariffs Based on ASEAN FTA
EuroCham was invited to a public hearing organized by the Directorate of International Customs and Inter-Agency of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise. The event was held on 9 September 2020 and conducted virtually through a Video Conference platform. The Public Hearing was spearheaded by Customs to collect input and feedback on draft regulations currently drafted pertaining to the imposition of import duty tariffs based on FTAs. In this meeting, Customs specifically sought to hear the business sector’s perspective on the kind of improvements to be included in the new draft regulation on the imposition of import duty tariffs based on the ASEAN FTA.
In this meeting, EuroCham was represented by Rachmat Hidayat from Danone Aqua and Prita Hapsari from Unilever in their capacity as the Head and Deputy Head of the EuroCham Import-Export Procedures Working Group respectively. During this meeting, EuroCham representatives shared the main concerns and possible solutions to the current practice of import duty imposition based on ASEAN FTAs, including those related to the validity of electronic Certificate of Origin, time frame for submission to the Customs Main Office, as well as infrastructure readiness. Prior to the meeting, EuroCham discussed in the meeting inputs gathered from its member companies and submitted to the Customs Head Office on 10 August 2020.