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Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia Helps School Canteens in 4 Cities in Indonesia

Published on 16 July 2020

Various health protocols have been complied with by the community to prevent the spread of COVID-19, one of which is the suggestion to conduct activities from home, including school activities. This has affected the income of “Ibu Pengelola Kantin Sekolah Generasi Maju” (canteen managers) managed by Danone Specialized Nutrition (SN) Indonesia through PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika (Sarihusada).

Julie Jones, Marketing Director of Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia, explained that, "Since 2010, Danone SN Indonesia through Sarihusada has routinely assisted hundreds of canteen managers in several Primary Schools in Indonesia, ranging from financial management education to providing balanced nutrition in the cafeteria food menu. With the reduction of teaching and learning activities in schools, canteen managers' incomes also declined. So, we are working with partners to help 234 women activists in healthy canteens in Ambon, Bandung, Bogor, and Yogyakarta. "

In collaboration with the Danone Ecosystem Fund and the Indonesian Food Storage Foundation, Danone SN Indonesia distributed support totaling more than IDR 1 billion in the form of direct cash assistance, basic food supplies in the form of e-vouchers to purchase family nutritional needs and others.

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Implementing Health Procedures, All Piaggio Dealers Are Ready to Welcome Consumers

Published on 2 July 2020

Through the "Live More with A New Start" program that focuses on customer satisfaction, Piaggio applies health procedures to its official dealers. This is intended to provide customers a sense of security and comfort when visiting an Official Dealer of Piaggio Vespa. The health and safety procedures applied includes: Customer-Oriented Service and Comfort, namely by providing temperature check and hand sanitizers, as well as ensuring the application of physical distancing. Piaggio Vespa’s official dealer also applies Clean and Healthy Behavior standards for all of its employees. This procedure includes setting work schedules, duration as well as limiting working hours to ensure physical safe distancing among employees in the dealership. PT Piaggio Indonesia also applies several regulations and new health guidance standards, including limiting the number of people in the dealership to a maximum of 5 people. Moreover, the official dealer of Piaggio Vespa also periodically spray disinfectants in the shared spaces and work areas. The application of health and safety procedures are intended to provide the best service for all customers.

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