Event Reports
Intellectual Property Working Group Meeting
To keep the members updated about the most recent issues related to intellectual property, EuroCham Intellectual Property Working Group conducted a meeting at EuroCham office on Tuesday, 15 November 2017. The Working Group invited Mrs. Debbie Manurung from Association of Intellectual Property Rights Consultant in Indonesia (AKHKI) as a speaker, sharing the currently developed document regarding the National Intellectual Property Strategies
Tax Briefing: Integration of Input VAT with the e-Tax Invoice Platform
EuroCham jointly with IFCCI recently organized a Tax Briefing for its member companies. Held on 9 November 2017, the briefing provided updates on the latest initiative by the Directorate General of Tax (DG Tax) to integrate input VAT within the Electronic Tax Invoice (e-Faktur) platform. The e-Faktur system itself is currently under continued development to allow easier tax administration by more relying on electronic data interchange between the taxpayers and the DG Tax.
The overall discussion was moderated by Mr. Sugyanto Halim from DB Schenker as the representative of Taxation Working Group and invites main speakers from the DG Tax, Mr. Novizal Kurniawan and Mr. Teguh Pamaji who provided updates and detailed explanation on the ongoing development of e-Faktur platform to also integrate input VAT. This initiative in still in the piloting stage involving only three companies but the many questions from meeting participants shows that there are a lot of interests from the private companies, waiting for this program to be fully launched.