Event Reports

EuroCham Briefing on Tax Holiday and Tax Allowance

Published on 30 August 2018

The Briefing on Tax Holiday and Tax Allowance was held on 30 August 2018. The event officially commenced with an opening speech by Mr. Luc Cardyn, EuroCham Executive Board Patron for Finance & Tax Working Group, and President Director of BNP Paribas Indonesia. During his speech, he addressed the importance of improving the business and investment climate in Indonesia to increase the country’s competitiveness globally.

Mr. John Hutagaol, the Director of International Taxation from the Directorate General of Taxation, explained that the revised tax incentives provided more certainty to businesses that are eligible for the incentives. Also speaking at the event was Mr. Henry Rombe, the Vice Director for Secondary Sectors Facilitation from Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), who elaborated on the application process for both tax incentives at BKPM. Representing business’s point of view regarding the implementation of the tax incentives was Ms. Ay Tjhing Phan, the Managing Director for Tax from PricewaterhouseCoopers Indonesia. Following the presentations, the overall panel discussion was moderated by Mr. Sugyanto Halim, EuroCham Deputy Head for Transport & Logistics Working Group (for Investment, Tax & Finance), and the Chief Financial Officer of Schenker Petrolog Utama.

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Energy Working Group Meeting

Published on 30 August 2018

On 30 August 2018, Eurocham Energy Working Group held the monthly regular meeting led by the working group leaders and members who were in attendance.

The meeting discusses the progress and process of various initiatives that has been going on since the beginning of this year. Letter to President’s Special Envoy on Climate Change and White Paper on Solar regulation are amongst of those initiatives, and aim to be finalized for release soon.

The meeting also concluded to have more collaborative effort with other relevant working groups in terms of related issues, such as import restrictive measures with Import-Export Working Group, and B20 mandatory requirement with Automotive Working Group.

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