Event Reports
APINDO coordination Meeting: Impact of the MoT no. 36 of 2023
EuroCham was cordially invited by the Employers’ Association of Indonesia (APINDO) for a coordination meeting regarding the implementation of Ministry of Trade Regulation No. 36 of 2023 on 15 March at the APINDO office. The meeting commenced with remarks from Shinta Kamdani (Chairman of APINDO) and followed by a panel discussion led by Anne Patricia Susanto (Head of the Trade Section of APINDO).
The panel discussion was led by the Ministry of Industry and divided into sectors as follows:
- Directorate of Forest and Plantation Products Industry
- Directorate of Upstream Chemicals
- Directorate of ILMATE
- Directorate of IKFT
To conclude the session, Bapak Adie Rochmanto (Director of IKFT) summarized all the panel discussions and will follow up with the participants’ input to be taken into consideration.
Technology Sub-Working Group, ICTIP
On 14th March, the EuroCham Technology sub-working group, (part of the ICTIP Working Group) held its meeting at EuroCham's office and hybrid via MsTeams. The meeting was led by Jørgen Enger Fjellin (Managing Director at Baezeni Company Network) and Nadira Tatyana (EuroCham Policy Advocate). The meeting discussed and provided updates on topics for EuroCham's Position Paper 2024. The meeting also focused on the personal data protection framework; the current developments, and future action plans for the working group. Thank you to all the members who participated in the meeting!